Pengaruh Sosial Demografi, Budaya Dan Motivasi Wisatawan Nusantara Terhadap Makanan Lokal Di Kota Semarang


  • Yustisia Kristiana Universitas Pelita Harapan



social demographic, culture, motivation, local food


Domestic tourists visiting Semarang generally choose the cultural tourist attraction namely Lawang Sewu to visit. Even though Semarang has other tourism potentials, for example culinary tourism. The culinary potential in Semarang can be developed into a tourist attraction, but it has not been managed optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the effect of the social demographic, (2) culture, and (3) the motivation of domestic tourists on local food in Semarang. The sampling technique in this study was convenience sampling. The respondents of this study were domestic tourists visiting Semarang. The number of respondents was 197 people. The data analysis method used is linear regression. Based on the results showed that the social demographics, culture, and motivation of domestic tourists proved to have a positive effect on local food in Semarang. Managerial implications of this research for the Semarang City Government are developing interesting informative texts about the culinary of Semarang by utilizing the latest technologies, promoting the local food of Semarang by conducting culinary festivals on a regular basis and works closely with the travel agencies to create tour packages about culinary, especially the local food of the Semarang.



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