Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Penjamah terhadap Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat pada Restoran di Kawasan Pelabuhan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir


  • Enny Hasriyani Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



increasing of knowledge, behaviour, food handler, healthy and clean life behaviour


The increasing of knowledge is a process of increasing one’s knowledge as the result of an activity throught his/her senses to a certain object. Action is one’s responses to a stimulus and food handler is some one who makes direct contact to the food and equipments, star from preparations, cleaning, processing, moving and serving. The bahaviour of healthy and clean life is a group of behaviours implemented based on one’s awareness as the result of learning process that makes someone can manage his healths and participate actively in realizing social gealth. This is a descriptive analysis where the research done by observing the current. This is a descriptive analysis where the research done by observing the current problems, then the datas are analyzed. This research involves 100 respondents, they are cook and waiters that they act as food handlers in restaurants and cafes in the area of Ajibata Port. The data collections are done by distributing some questionnaires to the respondents, then the questionnaires are collected as data, and then they are analyzed. The research shows that the increasingof the food handlers’ knowledges and behaviours are very important because the lack of their knowledge concerning to themselves as food handlers that give impacts to the healthy and clean life behaviours that will be implemented in restaurants or cafes as their work places



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Permenkes no. 1098.


