Kajian tentang Pengembangan Objek Wisata Pemandian Manigom Nauli Kecamatan Dolok Panribuan Kabupaten Simalungun


  • Booni Tauhid Politeknik Pariwisata Medan




development, tourist satisfaction


Tourism development is everything about coordinated activities and businesses to attract tourists, provide all facilities and infrastructure, goods and services as well as all the facilities needed to serve the needs of tourists. Besides the development of tourism also aims to provide benefits for tourists and tourism business users. The development of a tourist attraction must be designed based on good environmental conditions in the tourist attraction. This environmental condition is a major aspect that will be sold in order to provide satisfaction to tourists or visitors need to be equipped with various support from the local government. At the moment the researcher is conducting research on, the development of Manigom Nauli bathing tourism objects in Dolok Panribuan Subdistrict, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra Province. Development can be interpreted as an effort or a way that is done to change from the original form that is less attractive to more interesting that can be enjoyed by humans, so that the creation of a sense of pleasure, thus attracting tourists to visit. In this case, the authors conducted a descriptive analysis research method, namely: by telling the existing problems based on the data obtained, presenting the data found, and analyzing based on knowledge and theory to find solutions to existing problems. he technique used by the author is to distribute questionnaires, interviews and literature studies.



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