Pengembangan Soft Skill Karyawan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan di Hotel Berbintang di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan (Studi kasus : Hotel Berbintang di Kecamatan Bakti Raja)


  • Muhammad Zulfan



softskill, quality service


Service and customer satisfaction is the main objective of the service companies, focusing on how to provide optimum services to constumers. Focusing on customer needs by combining all the activities that will affect consumers and generate profits through services that focus on customer satisfaction. Quality of service of each major key to achieving that goal. Improving the quality of the optimal role of service providers or employees within the company. It is important to consider the business or the way in improving the ability or personal development of employees. This study intends to ascertain to what extent the importance of soft skills and hard skills possessed person will be able to improve the quality of the service, especially in service providers. In addition to knowing the things that are included in the category of soft skills, which is not less important are efforts to development the soft skill of servic provider. The role of the company deemed necessary to maintain good service quality and implementing the requirements of soft skill. The type of research approach use in this research is quantitative approach, where the source of the data presented is a number. The focus of this research is how to development  the soft skill to improve quality service. The result showed that the effect ot the soft skill to improve the quality service have the effect 88.2 % based on the coefficient of determination. It means soft skill has very strong influence to improve quality of service.



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