Analisis Hubungan Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran dan Tingkat Pendapatan Homestay di Kabupaten Karo


  • Bejo Mulyadi Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



homestay, income marketing, communications


The research titled Relationship Analysis of Marketing Communication Strategy and Income Level of homestay in Tanah Karo Regency aims to analyze the relationship between homestay characteristics with income level and relationship marketing communication strategy with homestay income level. The approach used in quantitative research. Data collection using survey method and statistical data analysis to know the correlation between marketing communication strategy variable and income level. Area tourist destination in an area of ​​course there are good accommodation hotel and lodging Travel Bureau to support the development of tourist destinations. The homestay concept combines lodging with affordable cost and an authentic local cultural experience. The homestay development will be done by mobilizing local communities in the region, as part of the development of the tourist village. It is also expected to have a wider positive impact. Homestay tourist village has in terms of tourist attractions and the aspect of amenitas. The aspect of tourist attraction means that it has a tourist attraction, especially cultural tourism by re-lifting the Karo District Traditional Architecture and its location in the tourist destination, especially in the Tourism Village so that tourists can interact with the local community. While the aspect of amenitas means to be a safe and comfortable place to live for the people & tourists with the management of Homestay national or international standards required by the central government or local government able to encourage economic growth that exist in tourist destinations.



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