Analisis Intensitas Emosi terhadap Perilaku Sehat Korban Bencana Pasca Erupsi Gunung Sinabung dipengungsian UNIKA Kabanjahe Kabupaten Tanah Karo


  • Enny Hasriyani Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



Emotion intensity is a respond that appears differently for everyone to the similar emotion trigger stimulant, while healthy behaviour is the respons toward stimulant or objects regarding to the healthy – sick conditions, sicknesses and any factors impact the healths. This is a descriptive analysis reserach where the resercher obserbs the problems existing at the time, and then analyze the data. The subjects of this reserch are the victims of the
eruption dissater of Sinabung Volcano who are located in Unika evacuation area in Kabanjahe, they are 100 persons. Getting the informations needed, the resercher prepares some questionnaires to distribute to the subjects and then they are collected tobe analyzed. The research shows that emotion intensity of the eruption dissaster victims impact to the healthy behaviour in the location of evacuation area. It can be seen from their daily
behaviours and activities. In the other side it is still found that some subjects have less concern to their environment, that’s why all the staffs incharged in this location are expected to handle the eruption dissaster victims better by transfering knowledge and doing simulation about environment health.



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Peraturan Kepala Badan Nasional Peanggulangan  Bencana  Nomor  7 Tahun 2000. Tentang Pedoman Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Dasar.

