Perilaku Generasi Milenial terhadap Minat pada Makanan Tradisional di Kecamatan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir


  • Enny Hasriyani Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



behavior, millenial generation,interest, traditional food


The behaviors of millenial generations are reactions of behaviors of a group of generations, were born in 1980-1990 or in the beginning of 2000, to their environment, whilst the interest in traditional foods are the factors of the appearances of their attentions, interest in traditional foods. This is analysis descriptive research where the method used by observing the problems appear at this time, then analyze the data. The respondents of this research are the millenial generations in Kecamatan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir, they are 100 persons. The method of collecting data is by distributing questionnaires to the respondents, then the questionnaires are collected as data, and then the data are analyzed and presented based on the items. The analysis shows that the behaviors of millenial generations are less interested in traditional foods, because most of millenial generations are more interested in using gadget, where they get less information about traditional foods in social media that makes the traditional foods are not popular in their lives. It is hoped the millenial generations to open culture blogs, so as the young generations they will love and understand the culture, the philosophies, and the gtraditional foods.



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Author Biography

Enny Hasriyani, Politeknik Pariwisata Medan

The behaviors of millenial generations are reactions of behaviors of a group of generations, were born in 1980-1990 or in the beginning of 2000, to their environment, whilst the interest in traditional foods are the factors of the appearances of their attentions, interest in traditional foods. This is analysis descriptive research where the method used by observing the problems appear at this time, then analyze the data. The respondents of this research are the millenial generations in Kecamatan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir, they are 100 persons. The method of collecting data is by distributing questionnaires to the respondents, then the questionnaires are collected as data, and then the data are analyzed and presented based on the items. The analysis shows that the behaviors of millenial generations are less interested in traditional foods, because most of millenial generations are more interested in using gadget, where they get less information about traditional foods in social media that makes the traditional foods are not popular in their lives. It is hoped the millenial generations to open culture blogs, so as the young generations they will love and understand the culture, the philosophies, and the gtraditional foods

