Pengaruh Kualitas Fasilitas terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan untuk Berkunjung kembali di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan (Studi Di Beberapa Hotel Berbintang Di Kecamatan Bakti Raja)


  • Edy Erianto Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



quality, satisfaction, revisit


This research is motivated by a problem that occurs that guests often complain because they are not satisfied with the quality of facilities and services provided by the hotel. With the existing problems, the study was conducted to analyze the occurrence of these errors by looking at the effect of the quality of the facility on customer satisfaction. This research uses quantitative research which is classified as descriptive research. The research data were collected from 34 respondents, the respondents' answers were then processed using the Statical Product and service solutions (SPSS) program, by conducting validity tests, reliability tests, descriptive statistical tests, hypothesis tests, partial tests, and determination. The analysis shows that the quality of the facility has a significant effect on customer satisfaction. The quality of the facility affects customer satisfaction by 58.3%. Based on the results of these studies it is suggested to the parties concerned to be able to improve the quality of the facilities owned.


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