Analisis Strategi Pemasaran pada Hotel Inna Parapat dalam Situasi Pandemi Covid-19


  • Anwari Masatip Politeknik Pariwisata Medan
  • Ita Maemunah Sekolah Tinggai Pariwisata Bandung
  • Dina Rosari Politeknik Pariwisata Medan
  • Christina Anggreani Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



marketing strategy, covid-19 pandemic


During the Covid 19 pandemic, marketing strategy was a very important thing to do. To obtain optimal results, marketing strategies have a broad scope including strategies in dealing with competition, pricing strategies, product strategies, service strategies and so on. Covid Plague 19 This gives a feeling of worry or discomfort to service companies, especially the Inna Parapat Hotel which is engaged in accommodation services. Seeing the results of the identification of problems in this study, researchers were interested in researching with the title "Analysis of Marketing Strategies at Inna Parapat Hotel in Covid Pandemic Situation 19.".  The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the most appropriate strategy in the Covid19 Pandemic situation. This research is descriptive qualitative, with a method of guiding the validity and reliability of instruments and the quality of data collection regarding the accuracy of the ways used to collect data. In qualitative research can be in the form of tests, interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and questionnaires



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