Peningkatan Keselamatan Angkutan Penyeberangan (Fery) Lintas Ajibata-Ambarita Kabupaten Toba Samosir


  • Yon Suprapto



accident, lake crossing, increased safety


The background of this study is the incident of the sinking of KM Sinar Bangun in Lake Toba which claimed many lives. The accident can actually be avoided if the ship's safety factor is sufficient and also the manifest of the passenger is recorded. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, by distributing questionnaires to the passengers of the ship. The findings obtained are that the safety facilities have been repaired, and that the passenger manifest has been recorded and also the construction of a new pier in the port of Ajibata. Furthermore, the future efforts that can be done is to further promote lake crossings so that tourists from outside the province are willing to make a visit to Samosir Island by using the lake crossing.



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