Analisis Pengembangan Pantai Long Beach Berbasis Ekowisata di Kelurahan Parsaoran Kecamatan Ajibata Kabupaten Toba Samosir


  • Sumardi Sumardi Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



lake, development, ecotourism


This study aims to determine the development of ecotourism-based Long Beach Beach and the pattern of empowering local communities in supporting the development of ecotourism-based Long Beach Beach in Parsaoran Subdistrict, Ajibatan, Samosir District. The approach in research uses a quantitative approach. The process in applying this research approach is to conduct interviews and questionnaires to the public and tourists. Data analysis used descriptive statistical analysis techniques through the sturges method. The results of the study show that Long Beach Beach is one of the ecotourism-based tourist destinations. the potential of a tourist attraction located in the Parsaoran sub-district of Ajibata sub-district certainly has a natural panorama and the beauty of the beach which is very attractive to tourists. Long Beach Beach development is carried out through government cooperation with the local community. Dissemination and training activities were carried out for the community and tourism practitioners in increasing ecotourism-based income. Empowering local communities through providing capital assistance and craft business training. Building community capacity (community capacity building) through mapping potentials owned by the community such as infrastructure for handicrafts, managing tourism businesses and other businesses (culinary, game facilities, resting places and so on). Development of local community-based ecotourism can be done by exploring the potential of the tourism environment in Ajibata Subdistrict, where the community is invited to be directly involved in managing and utilizing the natural potential of the Parsaoran Sub-District. The process of community empowerment through ecotourism programs as agents of development



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