Analisis Potensi Ekowisata (Ecotourism) Kecamatan Tapaktuan Kabupaten Aceh Selatan


  • Elita Putri Sari Rangkuti Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



ecotourism, ecotourism area, the coas/rural, development


This research is focused on analyzing the potential of ecotourism in the area of ​​Tapaktuan District which has not been explored so far so that it has not been able to give meaning to the addition of Regional Original Income (PAD) of South Aceh Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach and a SWOT analysis where in the data collection process, the author is directly involved with local tourism stakeholders and actors. From the analysis, there are 4 (four) ecotourism areas, namely: a) rural ecotourism areas; b) coastal ecotourism area; c) hilly / mountainous / forest ecotourism areas; and d) cultural and historical ecotourism areas. The SWOT analysis shows that the development of ecotourism development must have a priority scale where the priority is the development of coastal and rural ecotourism areas. As a pilot project, a simulation of a village with the name Lhok Rukam Village is given on the grounds that nature and its potential are beautifully available without having to be engineered / made by humans, it only remains to increase advice and empower human resources. Furthermore, the priority of the hilly ecotourism area in Panjupian Village is because several supporting facilities and playgrounds are available such as a swimming pool. The participation of all components of society, stakeholders and government is highly treated for the realization of tourism development which by itself increases the standard of living of the entire community.



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