Potential of Fruit and Vegetable Agro-Tourism in Merek District, Karo Regency


  • Osland Herijon Politeknik Pariwisata Medan




agrotourism, potential and agriculture


District is one of the sub-districts in Karo Regency, where this sub-district is one of the northern parts of Lake Toba. Its location in the area of ​​a former volcanic eruption makes this area fertile with agriculture. Strategic geographical conditions add to the extraordinary natural wealth. In this district, there is one of the iconic tourist destinations in North Sumatra, namely Sipisopiso Waterfall. Agricultural potential in the sub-district is one of the producers of fruits and vegetables in North Sumatera such as: Oranges, Avocado, Mango, Chili, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Cabbage and other horticultural crops that thrive. With an average altitude above 1,500 meters above sea level, it adds to the potential for agriculture in this area. Besides agriculture, this sub-district has also grown a lot of new tourist destinations such as theme parks, resorts and natural attractions. Tourist visits are quite crowded every weekend and holiday. This condition has not been utilized optimally, especially in the agro-tourism sector, where agro-tourism is still developed simply by selling agricultural products on the roadside without any agricultural education process to tourists. The potential for agro-tourism is very open to be developed as one of the agro-tourism areas in Karo district. The lack of education and training in the field of agro-tourism to the community is one of the main obstacles. Thus, it is necessary for the local government to make an agro-tourism development plan in this sub-district to increase the income of the local community


