Potensi Implementasi Digital Tourism/E-Tourism dalam Meningkatkan Tingkat Hunian pada Homestay di Kabupaten Humbahas Desa Bakti Raja


  • Jerry Wilson Politeknik Pariwisata Medan




Digital Informasi, Promotion, Homestay


The implementation of Digital Tourism is very important and potential to improve the higher guest visitation to the homestay in Humbahas Regency especially Bakti Raja Sub-Regency. This is happened because of the rapid development of Digital Information to apply. All places and information can be reached because of the using of Information Digital facilitation. Digital information is applied in all human life aspects and knowledge nowadays. By applying Digital Information, knowledge is developed, economy is developed, and the information about the object and the location about the object is also easy to know and to reach. Therefore Digital Information will influence the economy and the tourism activities. Beside that many interesting objects and attractions will attract people’s attentions to visit the object. And the accommodation facility will also be important to stay during the visitation.The opportunity to open business and service accommodation is very potential to improve the social economy of the region. Homestay as business accommodation is very easy and simple to promote and to operate. The promotion can be done by applying Digital Information and Internet access as well as social Media such as Digital Magazine, E-Brochure, website, and many others. By doing so, the homestay will be easy to know by tourists and by travelers. As well as homestay, tourism object is also easy to promote.In accordance with the Digital Tourism, homestay can be more easy to know and easy to reach by tourists and travelers. And this business is much relevant to operate in the tourism object and support the tourists activities around. This facility can be the alternative accommodation for tourist to stay as the hotel is maybe not easy to find around the place. By doing so Homestay business needs to be promoted to improve the tourists and travelers visitation.



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