Evaluasi Rute Penerbangan Pesawat Udara dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara di Bandara Silangit, Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara


  • Hetty Claudia Nainggolan POLITEKNIK PARIWISATA MEDAN




flight route, airport Silangit, tourist visits


One of government’s efforts in continuously improving tourism in Indonesia is to support an agreement to focus on 10 new tourism destinations development, one of them is Lake Toba in North Sumatra. Related to that, there is an initiative to provide an accessibility to reach Lake Toba. Silangit airport is the physical evidence of that initiative to assist more foreign tourist visit Danau Toba. The airlines which serve the route from/to Silangit airport are Citilink, Batik Air, Sriwijaya Airlines, Wings Air, and Susi Air and Air Asia. In the future, Silangit airport is projected to be an international airport with more routes and airlines. In order to achieve that target, there is a need to improve the physical development and service to satisfy all visitors. This research is categorized as descriptive research with primary data method using survey by collecting data through questionnaires. Type of questionnaires that is used is direct one, which collects data from related respondents. This study found that there is a significant effort from PT. Angkasa Pura II to coordinate and commit to build and develop Silangit airport, in terms of physical aspects and services. This research also suggested that additional and various routes and airlines will be an opportunity, especially if the flight will include route to/from Batam, Bandung and Singapore.



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