Persepsi Wisatawan terhadap Pengelolaan Homestay di Destinasi Pariwisata Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Sumatera Utara


  • Robert Deffie Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



tourist perception, homestay management


The development of the tourism sector can encourage the improvement of the quality of Human Resources (HR) in the aspect of entrepreneurship in order to provide high value added and become an engine of growth for the national economy. The development of the tourism sector is manifested in the form of tourism activities in a tourism destination and must adapt to the demands of change by always paying attention to the voices of various parties, especially domestic tourists. This study was to analyze tourist perceptions of homestay management in tourism destinations in Humbang Hasundutan Regency of North Sumatera. The results showed that the perception of domestic tourists based on cognitive aspects in average results of 17 people or 53% which showed indicators of knowledge, information, views, and understanding of homestays was still not good enough. The affective aspects of 16 people or 50% that showed indicators of emotions, feelings, and assessment of homestay management had a poor impression. The conative aspects of 17 people or 53% indicate that indicators of motivation, attitudes, products, and desires of domestic tourists can be said to be still quite low. The results of the study showed that the management of homestay based on building variables in the average yield of 6 people or 50% had been able to represent the criteria of a good building. Variable bedrooms with an average yield of 6 people or 50% have met the expectations of guests staying. Variable bathrooms with an average yield of 5 people or 42% are still not clean. Variable living room results in an average of 6 people or 50% are quite good and comfortable. Variables with an average yield of 6 people or 50% are quite clean.



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