Strategi Pengembangan Makanan Khas Daerah Dalam Meningkatan Industri Kreatif (Studi Kecamatan Bakti Raja Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan)


  • Rama Indra Politeknik Pariwisata Medan



development strategy, regional specialties, creative industry


Food yields of a region are very important and strategic commodities, because most of the regional produce is the development of processed staples produced by an area, for example regional specialties that have very broad prospects and can be developed for the use of rice and other food products made become a regional specialty. Where these food products can be utilized by creative and SME industry entrepreneurs, so that this product can be marketed to introduce food characteristics of a region, Keamcatan Bakti Raja Humbang Hasundutan Regency is an agricultural area that has good potential, and can produce food others, coffee, rubber, candlenut, chocolate, oil palm, sweet skin, palm sugar and many more. But to develop this all is still constrained in terms of the costs of the existing SME business actors, and another problem is competing with food from outside which has long entered the market in the District of Bakti Raja. The research technique was carried out by direct field saving with a qualitative descriptive approach using the SWOT analysis method. Where the SWOT analysis is here to find out the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities, and threats from creative production businesses that are around the Bakti Raja District. The alternative to dealing with the food market share of regional kash is by improving training to improve the quality of the products produced with the media internt as a marketing media to introduce the resulting production, which also collaborates with relevant governments in the Bakti Raja District. Where the results of research are strategies in developing the products produced, for the welfare of society with affordable and competitive price competition.



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